Drinking water installations are typically susceptible to growth of biofilm, in which bacteria can prosper. Pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause serious diseases, e.g. Wound infections, urinary tract infections, eye infections and external ear infections. In the United States, there are approximately 1,400 deaths per year.
Current scientific research shows that the technical construction as well as the materials used are critical in this regard. By designing the mechanics of the faucet correctly and choosing the right materials the risk of harmful bacterial growth can be greatly reduced. Most sensor faucets from other manufacturers (faucets with an electronic opening and closing valve) do not use the latest technologies. Often, inferior materials are used as economic interests are given priority over quality and safety.
As a sensor faucet manufacturer, we have a special responsibility towards everyone who uses our products and the wider community. By selecting only the best materials and taking effective design measures, we ensure the water quality remains unchanged. The materials selected by miscea do not release harmful substances into the water and how miscea systems are engineered helps prevent bacterial growth inside the system. Furthermore we believe that independent tests according to recognized certification schemes are crucial for the user to be able to easily distinguish safe from potentially unsafe products.
Drinking water installations are typically susceptible to growth of biofilm, in which bacteria can prosper. Pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause serious diseases, e.g. Wound infections, urinary tract infections, eye infections and external ear infections. In the United States, there are approximately 1,400 deaths per year.
Current scientific research shows that the technical construction as well as the materials used are critical in this regard. By designing the mechanics of the faucet correctly and choosing the right materials the risk of harmful bacterial growth can be greatly reduced. Most sensor faucets from other manufacturers (faucets with an electronic opening and closing valve) do not use the latest technologies. Often, inferior materials are used as economic interests are given priority over quality and safety.
As a sensor faucet manufacturer, we have a special responsibility towards everyone who uses our products and the wider community. By selecting only the best materials and taking effective design measures, we ensure the water quality remains unchanged. The materials selected by miscea do not release harmful substances into the water and how miscea systems are engineered helps prevent bacterial growth inside the system. Furthermore we believe that independent tests according to recognized certification schemes are crucial for the user to be able to easily distinguish safe from potentially unsafe products.
miscea sensor faucet systems are certified according to WRAS product approval guidelines in the UK. All miscea systems proudly carry the WRAS product approval mark. It demonstrates miscea systems comply with current standards and provides indisputable proof the systems meet the required quality and performance criteria with regards to mechanical, electronic and hygienic safety.
As part of the certification process, miscea systems also demonstrated compliance with the requirements of the relevant authorities regarding materials and substances that come into contact with drinking water. In addition, all miscea faucet systems have been tested to protect against contamination of potable water in water installations through back flow.
This seal of approval for sensor fittings is considered to be a very easily recognizable feature for industry professionals to identify tested and, above all, approved product quality.
Architects, specifiers, installers and end users can therefore, be assured that miscea systems are deemed to have one of the highest quality standards currently available on the market. Where ever hygiene is of paramount concern, miscea offers high performance, high quality and very hygienic sensor faucet solutions.

miscea sensor faucet systems are certified according to WRAS product approval guidelines in the UK. All miscea systems proudly carry the WRAS product approval mark. It demonstrates miscea systems comply with current standards and provides indisputable proof the systems meet the required quality and performance criteria with regards to mechanical, electronic and hygienic safety.
As part of the certification process, miscea systems also demonstrated compliance with the requirements of the relevant authorities regarding materials and substances that come into contact with drinking water. In addition, all miscea faucet systems have been tested to protect against contamination of potable water in water installations through back flow.
This seal of approval for sensor fittings is considered to be a very easily recognizable feature for industry professionals to identify tested and, above all, approved product quality.
Architects, specifiers, installers and end users can therefore, be assured that miscea systems are deemed to have one of the highest quality standards currently available on the market. Where ever hygiene is of paramount concern, miscea offers high performance, high quality and very hygienic sensor faucet solutions.

Manual flushing routines are unreliable, difficult to organise and is therefore cost and labour intensive. miscea sensor faucet systems have an inbuilt safety feature to protect against the growth of waterborne bacteria. This helps to prevent the growth of bacteria inside the faucet usually associated with stagnant water.
Using the miscea remote control, these automatic spool cycles can be adjusted to meet the different water safety plan requirements of each facility. Equipped with such intelligent software, miscea sensor faucets can pro-actively guard against bacterial growth from water stagnation.
Manual flushing routines are unreliable, difficult to organise and is therefore cost and labour intensive. miscea sensor faucet systems have an inbuilt safety feature to protect against the growth of waterborne bacteria. This helps to prevent the growth of bacteria inside the faucet usually associated with stagnant water.
Using the miscea remote control, these automatic spool cycles can be adjusted to meet the different water safety plan requirements of each facility. Equipped with such intelligent software, miscea sensor faucets can pro-actively guard against bacterial growth from water stagnation.